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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Feel so secure after jaw surgery
  • 2020-04-03 hit.16,291
  • Writer : Kim**

Because of the asymmetric face, I don't even like taking pictures. It was also stressful to sit next to other people. Whenever I take pictures with I phone camera or a regular camera it shows my asymmetric face obviously.So, my self-esteem went down a lot and gets a lot of stress whenever I see myself. I also found out that my gums show when I smile and that I look more mature than my age because of my long face. Because all those reasons I really want to do the double jaw and facial contouring surgery. So I decided to operate after I became an adult, and I was searching on the Internet and I saw news about the EU. When I saw a famous person on Instagram who had surgery here, I didn't even compare to other hospitals and just decide to do surgery at EU.


Post OP 1 Week :
It's been a very, very tough week because of the surgery. I looked up the reviews before the surgery, so it was different from what I thought. Now it's been a week and I feel comfortable remove the rubber band! I was wearing a thick rubber band because I didn't have enough strength to keep my mouth shut. I think I can eat more comfortably now. I still have swelling in the inside of my nose and the center of my face, so I feel stuffy when I breathe, but I am happier than a week after surgery!


Post OP 2 Weeks : My life is getting easier because I'm less swollen. I had my stitches removed today, so I brushed my teeth comfortably. After 2 more weeks, we can eat various foods, right?


Post OP 1 month : I think it's been almost a month since I had surgery! I'm still uncomfortable with wafer usage and swollen cheekbones, but other parts are comfortable. People said my face is much smaller than before! They say it will be smaller if the swelling reduced later.

Finally, after a month, I can chew food. I ate rice and side dishes that I wanted to eat the most. My face is still swelling, but I'm satisfied with the fact that I do not need to do edit my pictures! I'm happy that my face is getting smaller. I couldn't see the V-line because I was swollen by my chin, but I think I can see the V-line now that swelling on my chin is almost gone!


Post OP 2 months : I think I can eat almost all the food! I'm supposed to not eat meat yet, but I got so comfortable that I ate some pieces of the meat and my jaw hurt for a while. I had a hard time for a few days since I should not force my jaw to chew the meat. Since then, I haven't eaten any kind of meat. I heard that 6 months and 1 year after surgery is the prettiest. Many of people said that after facial bone surgery they really want to do the nose surgery. That also happens to me too! I want to get nose surgery soon!

Post OP 4 months : I am going to do pin removal surgery post op 6 months! I'm glad my chin is getting less swollen. I heard that the swelling will reduce for a year. I had braces for about a year and a half, but orthodontist said this treatment will be be over soon! I'm very satisfied with the improvement of the protruding jaw and a U-shaped jaw. I look great in pictures. I'm satisfied with my face getting smaller!!!!


Post OP 6 months :

My swelling is almost gone, so I had a pin removal surgery! You don't have to remove the pin, but I did it because the pin on cheekbone area was bit uncomfortable. I got rid of my braces and my pins, so it's really over. If you're all thinking about surgery, I think consider either you can bear your insecure feeling about your appearance. I am satisfied with the result.​

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